GRACIASS brings together people from all over the world to:
– Network; – Share insights; – Explore innovative possibilities; – Develop sustainable strategies; – Promote realistic solutions. GRACIASS is founded with the premise that sustainable solutions are possible and win-win-win: good for people, environment and economy. |
Global |
Research and Arts |
Ecosystems are all connected; solutions are all necessarily in a global context
Priority is populated coastal areas (where most humans live) CenterConnections with other innovators are powerful and can help overcome feelings of helplessness
Priority is facilitating dialogue and collaboration by providing gathering places (including online) Sustainability SolutionsHumans are part of ecosystems; everything we do matters
Priorities are: -focus on Solutions rather than Problems -embrace “Respect, Restore, Replace” as the operative hierarchy -remember, small actions can bring big changes Image credits: |
Respect for natural systems can be fostered through mutual inspiration among disciplines.
Priority is truly integrative projects combining art and science in all phases in which art perspectives not only explain and explore but also inform and lead Investigation and AdvancementCollection and dissemination of information are both important
Priorities are: -minimally-invasive methods that collect large amounts of baseline data -interactive educational outreach to children, teachers and policy makers |
photo credit: "Cancun Rainbow" (c) Heather Spence